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Passion. Experience. Diligence.

Jule’s Journey

Jule has served as development officer for a diverse group of premier charities raising funds to fight poverty worldwide, for advocacy organizations and environmental organizations (e.g. Global Impact, Student Conservation Association, RESULTS, Oxfam, etc.). She is passionate about the arts and civic engagement. In between raising millions as part of an in-house team, Jule has consulted with more than a hundred non-profit organizations around the world.


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Jule Meyer

Jule first fundraised for her alma mater, Grinnell College and actually enjoyed calling alumni to ask for money! Then working with the Dean and executive team of the University of Iowa School of Social Work, Jule helped the school fundraise in several ways. She learned about member services while interning at the United Nations Association. While serving in the U.S. Peace Corps, Jule wrote her first grant proposal to co-found a school for at-risk youth  (it was a surprise success—the first grant landed was for $100k).

For forty years, Jule has enjoyed fundraising for global organizations, non-profits with a national scope and many small and medium-sized local organizations. Parkman Foundation Services assists individuals to design their philanthropy and organizations to improve their fundraising success. For organizations, Jule’s special skill is working with founders, executive directors, and development directors to design and implement major and planned giving programs. She has also successfully coached organizations on starting non-profits (including foundations), hiring staff and excels in training boards to raise money.

Jule has served as development officer for a diverse group of premier charities raising funds to fight poverty worldwide, for advocacy organizations and environmental organizations (e.g. Global Impact, Student Conservation Association, RESULTS, Oxfam, etc.)

Her community work has included training hundreds of groups from boards to corporate employee giving committees on the “Art of the Ask”. She co-founded Coalition for Charitable Choice and served as its president for two terms. She served as President of Toastmaster’s, Chair of the Arts Committee of a major business club, The Rainier Club, Chair of the Rotary Foundation committee, Secretary of the board of the World Affairs Council, and served from 2010-16 on the Executive Committee of the Boston Philanthropic Roundtable. From 2017-18 Jule chaired the Development Committee of the Boston Women’s and co-founded Seattle Philanthropic Advisors Network which links professional advisors with non-profit leaders and exemplary philanthropists.



Grinnell College
Theater and English

University of Iowa
Masters in Social Work

Bainbridge Graduate Institute
Certificate in Sustainable Business (MBA program).

Activities & Affiliations

CFRE, Certified Fundraising Executive, Association of Fundraising Professionals

Member, Women’s Food Alliance